Sustainable Safe Water

A key consideration for Disaster Aid Australia’s ‘Safe Water for Every Child’ program is sustainability.

Financial Sustainability

President and Past President of the Rotary Club

It is important that the community ensures that there is enough money to pay for:

  • Cleaning Chemicals.
  • Replacement of the filter membrane (typically after 10 years)
  • The operators time for the daily cleaning.

This photographs shows how the cooperative in Barangay. Mambuaya, on the outskirts of Cagayan de Oro have responded to the problem.

They have connected the SkyHydrant system to two water dispensing machines in the small building.

Water flows into the containers when the a coin is dropped into the machine.

Collecting as little as AU$1/day will save enough money for the membrane replacment and cleaning chemicals!

The installation was sponsored, with the aid of a Rotary Global Grant by the Rotary Club of West Cagayan de Oro.

Greenhouse Gases

In 2018 Disaster Aid Australia was recognised by the Energy Globe Awards as being the best energy sustainable project in Australia.

This was due to the fact that our SkyHydrants provide safe water without power or treatment chemicals.

It was also one of the top four water projects in the World Awards.

Plastic Waste Reduction

One of the problems around the world is the amount of plastic waste which affects wildlife and gets inot the food chain.

Every SkyHydrant installed means that the community protected no longer needs to buy bottled water to stay safe.

That mean that there will be no need to dispose of tens of thousands of single use plastic bottles every year.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to provide Sustainable safe water click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

Two Safe Water Projects for the Philippines

Disaster Aid Australia has decided to commence two Safe Water for Every Child’ projects in the Philippines.

The projects will be carried out with our long-term partner based on the island of Mindanao, the Balay Mindanaw Foundation.

Bangsamoro Health and Peace Project

This Bangsamoro Region of Mindanao is one of the poorest in the Philipppines and in the recent past has suffered from armed rebellion.

The Balay Mindanaw Foundation have been a key influencer in the peace process over the past three years.

They feel that providing communities with better health, through safe water, is key to improving living standards.

This will strongly demonstrate to those communities the benefits of peace.

Our project is based on providing SkyHydrant installations to at least five communities a year for the next five years.

Mindano Safe Water Project

This project is based on providing safe water to the remaining regions of Mindanao.

Past projects have resulted in reduction in illness in the communities of more than 70%

Again this project is based on providing SkyHydrant installations to at least five communities a year, for the next five years.


Balay Mindanw are currently engaged in carrying out investigations on rural Barangays (villages) to identify 10 locations for installations.

In the next few months the first five Barangays, for each project, will be identified and a full consultation will be carried out.

This will confirm that they accept the SkyHydrant solution, and will participate in the installation, as well as the ongoing operation.

SkyHydrants will be shipped later this year for installation by the end of June 2022.

Sponsorship Opportunities

You can sponsor a SkyHydrant installation for one of these projects for $5,000.

That is less than $1 for every person protected for one year.

All sponsors will be acknowledged with a plaque on the SkyHydrant, photographs of the installation, and a certificate from Disaster Aid Australia.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to help the Philippines with ‘Safe Water for Every Child’ projects click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

SkyHydrant in Shipping Container for Timor Leste

During Construction

Disaster Aid Australia have been pleased to play a small part in this project by Rotary Projects Timor-Leste East (RPTLE), based in Western Australia.

The unit is now supplying 10,000 litres of clean filtered potable water every day to the students and the local community of the Don Bosco centre in Comoro, Dhili.

The project of the Rotary Club of Kwinana , led by project manager Max Bird, also involved considerable support from the Rotary Club of Phillip Island and San Remo, in Victoria.

With the problems of COVID the role of Brother Adriano and the students of The Don Bosco Technical Training Centre has been vital in completing the construction.

The Completed Project

Prior to its final installation the SkyHydrant was used in a temporary installation in response to the Dhili Floods in April this year.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to help children in developing countries, such as Timor Leste, have ‘Safe Drinking Water’ click on the link below;


Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

Clear Streams Are Not Safe

One of the questions we sometimes get asked about our Bhutan project is “There must be lots of clear mountain streams in Bhutan, so why do they need SkyHydrants?”

It’s true that the majority of schools do get their water from clear mountain streams but that doesnt mean there isn’t harmful bacteria!

The below official testing report provides the evidence of the need, from Lhuentse school following our installation on 3rd December.

CFU stands for  Colony-Forming Units, a measure of the number of viable bacteria cells in a sample.

Now the water supply to 468 students and staff of the schools has improved from being an ‘Intermediate to High Health Risk’ to being classified as ‘Safe’

If you would like to sponsor safe water for a school in Bhutan contact Disaster Aid Australia at:

Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.