Over 800 million people around the world live in poverty, and are subject to poor water quality.

That means over 400 million children are at risk of illness and death!
A huge ongoing humanitarian disaster that Disaster Aid Australia is tackling under the Banner of ‘Safe Water for Every Child‘.
Our Solution
Our method of achieving a long term solution to the issues of contaminated water is by funding the setting up a community owned, and operated water treatment facilities.

A key part of the treatment is the use of the SkyHydrant™ Filter which is extremely effective in removing contaminated particles in water including disease carrying bacteria.
The Skyhydrants can provide up to 1,000 litres/hour of filtered, high quality water for up to 10 years, enough for 700 people.
On average it costs $5,000 to install a unit in a community. school or medical facility.
That is less than $1/per person per year for safe water!
The units are extremely simple to operate and require the absolute minimum of mechanical devices, such as pumps, in the process.
Our Delivery Method
- We provide SkyHydrant water filters, initial training of our local partner, a grant for installation costs and ongoing support.
- Our local partner purchases materials locally and manages the construction, and ongoing operation.
- The community provide a small building for the unit, participates in the construction, and operates the system; ‘owning’ the installation.
Some results fom recent projects are:
- Yebilaptsa Central School Bhutan, The incidence of lost days of schooling as a result of diarrhea dropped by more than 70%.
- 8 rural schools in India we saw a reduction in illness and school absences of 88%.
Projects You Can Sponsor
Currently Disaster Aid Australia have the following Safe Water for Every Child projects which can be sponsored:
- Bangsamoro Health and Peace Project;
- Mindanao Safe Water Project;
- Bhutan, Beyond 2020;
- Safe Water Timor Leste.
You can have your name on the plaque and be provided with a certificate and photographs of the installation.
The cost of a sponsorship is AU$6,000 (3,700 Euro, US$4,000)
You can contact us at admin@disasteraidaustralia.org.au for more information,
or go direct to the Sponsorship Link below:
Sponsorship donations to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.