The 17th of October is the International Day For Eradication of Poverty with the theme ‘Dignity For All in Practice‘.
With over 1.5billion living in persistent poverty many people experience their dignity being denied and disrespected.
Disaster Aid Australia respects everyone that we assist, in developing countries.
We have found that our aid assists in the eradication of poverty in both of our programs.
Smart Aid
Following major disasters such as typhoons the destruction that occurs has the greatest effect on the poorest people, and can make their poverty much worse.
When we respond we show our respect by;
- Consulting with those affected to find out what they want, rather than impose a ‘Western Solution’.
- Treat those affected as a resource to work with us in the disaster recovery, rather than victims.

By our ‘Build Back Better’ approach we aim to not just rebuild, but provide homes that are more resiliant to future disasters.
Our experiance has shown this approach also builds the self respect of those affected.
We have found when we have revisited the communities we have helped, they are very proud of what has been achieved.
Safe Water For Every Child
When providing SkyHydrants we work in a true partnership, with the local community, so it becomes ‘their’ installation, and a source of pride.
Some of the ways that we have see our SkyHydrants have helped reduce poverty are:
- Families previously paying up to a third of their income on bottled water now only pay a minor amount for SkyHydrant water.
- With less illness people are able to work more often.
- Reducing childrens ill health by 70% to 80% means better educational prospects and long term better jobs.
- Safe Water bringing investment in industries such as food procesing, that lead to job opportunties.

If you would like to help Disaster Aid Australia continue to help eradicate poverty in developing countries then click on the link below;
Charity donations of $2 or more to Disaster Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.